Full Stack Developer & Infomatic Engineering Student

about me

Full Stack Developer & Infomatic Engineering Student from Universidad de La Sabana, self-taught developer, persistent and, enthusiastic about learning new technologies. Experience working on personal and university team projects both in front end and back end development.


  • dugol

    A web application that lets students get work on their campus in an easy way, they just need to create a new account in Dugol and link it to the college's account to let them enroll in jobs applications into their university. The App is made mainly with ReactJS, SASS, Firebase and, NodeJS.

    See website

  • Claims Management System timo

    A Web application that simulates petitions, claims, and complaints system management for a fictional company called TIMO. You can as a customer rate the services and as admin (access credentials admin:123) you can resolve them.
    The front end was made with html, css and Javascript; the back end was made with Java Servlets

    See website

  • My portfolio

    My portfolio where I show some of my css skills and, my main projects, this website is responsive, accessible, and SEO optimized. This portfolio was made with full HTML5, CSS3, and pure JS ES6 in addition to some libraries as particles JS or Flickity.

    See website